7 Acid Reflux Disease Dieting Tips

Friday, July 24, 2009

Here are some simple yet effective ways that could help you getting started to control acid reflux disease through diet. You may be aware of the many possible medications that could help you relieve your acid reflux symptoms, but sometimes we feel that some triggering factors are due the foods that we eat. The following are 7 acid reflux disease dieting tips that you can consider. This will not only aid in preventing and soothing the symptoms of acid reflux disease, but can also aid in improving your overall health.

1. Avoid Acidic Foods

This one is pretty obvious as to the name of our disease, acid reflux. No acid, no reflux. These include citrus fruits, tomatoes, tomato-based sauces, gooseberries, unripe fruit, vinegar and pickles or relishes.

2. Stop Eating Large Meals

A big meal causes a rise in the production of acid in the stomach and also distends the stomach. What we could do instead is to have a small frequent meal. Four to Six small meals or snacks will do and allow a maximum of 3 hours interval before the next meal.

3. Say Goodbye to Alcohol

Too bad if you’ll be going to a party. But if you are going to suffer with the symptoms after afterwards, might as well say no. Besides, alcohol is also a source of non-nutritious calories that can contribute to overweight condition.

4. Carbonated drinks is also a no

Popping out your favorite carbonated soft drink will also do no good as carbonated drinks can lead to extra strain in abdominal muscles and increase the risk experiencing acid reflux symptoms. Carbonated soft drinks cause upward pressure and belching on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) increasing the likelihood of heartburn.

5. Lots of water

Now here is the best drink! Water can help cleansing up the lower esophageal sphincter so it closes up tighter, not allowing gases and acid to leak up into your esophagus that can cause pain.

6. Cut Down on fatty foods

Fatty foods especially those that are being fried can cause indigestion and should be avoided or eaten sparingly. So take it easy on butter, sausages, salami, meat pies and full-fat cheese.

7. Chew you food

Why should you be in such a hurry? Go and savor what you eat. Not only would you enjoy what you eat but this would also aid in your digestion.

Start with these acid reflux disease dieting tips and begin to see a happy stomach.


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Be relieved with your acid reflux disease the natural way. Discover what diet for acid reflux you should take, foods to eat and avoid for acid reflux and lifestyle changes that could prevent symptoms of acid reflux. Don’t forget to subscribe to this blog for your FREE acid reflux diet.

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