What is acid reflux

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Acid reflux is chronic symptoms and / or mucosal damage, formed by the abnormal reflux of stomach contents, namely the powerful stomach acid. Of gastric contents into the esophagus are sold creates discomfort, pain and tissue damage may be permanent.

Sometimes acid reflux is a physical problem where the lower esophageal sphincter effectively contains the contents of the stomach, and some cases where a hiatus hernia is a factor.

The most common symptom and complaint which is suffering from acid reflux heartburn that feels to sting like a burning or type the pain even rip the breast area. Other symptoms include difficulty swallowing and changes in the mucous membrane lining of the throat. In extreme cases, sufferers esophageal ulcers or scars can develop.

Patients can get to drink a barium mixture to diagnose the condition. This will help to structure of the esophagus and stomach view sphincters to determine a good course of treatment.

Sometimes endoscopy is used to better the oesophagus, stomach and exploring parts of the body. The patient will usually sediert to facilitate relaxation.

No matter which course of treatment, you and your doctor decide to pursue there are many types of foods that trigger symptoms tend to acid reflux. Avoid or reduce you intake of these foods can help to alleviate the situation.

Acid, fatty and spicy foods tend to promote gastroesophageal reflux. Coffee, alcohol, vitamin C and calcium supplements are gastric acid stimulants. If you are taking these things, it is best to do activity increased during the day or time. Shortly before going to bed would be the worst time.

Chocolate and Peppermint, onion, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are known acid reflux stimulants. Milk and dairy products should be avoided before going to bed.

Elevate the head of your bed, drink more water, food have shown all smaller meals, to have good effects for addressing and managing acid reflux and related conditions.

Although there is a series of heartburn drugs on the market, I highly suggest you simple solutions to find such as avoiding certain foods before you medicating the problem. If we do the symptoms of a disease to treat and nothing for the underlying causes, it is only a matter of time before the condition has additional symptoms.

So let's work with our bodies and do our best to set up food, help us and avoid those that strengthen our different conditions or fields. Begin to eat a little healthier and chances are you notice a difference for the better, no matter how light or heavy your acid reflux is.


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