Acid reflux drugs and antacids are killing
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Doctors and pharmaceutical giants know that your drugs and antacids cure not heartburn or acid reflux to do. You have known for a long time that your medication simply suppress the condition and continue the cycle of heartburn, acid reflux and drugs. If you have fallen prey to this medical cycle you are headed safely in the direction of severe malnutrition. The inability, your body needs nutrients feed leads the diseases you now see in most older people.
Because your mouth and stomach in getting nutrients are the first step in your body, you want to get this step wrong. If are taking topology discovery process, Prevacid, Prilosec, aciphex, Protonix, Nexium, or even antacid, its time you use this medication.
Fact1: Your stomach is developed to a pH 3.0 or less, more acidic fact 2: If you stomach pH is consistently higher than you create more alkaline 3.0 disease fact 3: record of heartburn or reflux drugs or antacids raises and keeps your stomach pH above 3.0 and higher.
If your stomach is the correct pH, it digested your food so that you eat meat into amino acids, later you absorb vitamins vitamins are created are separated from the food eat out from food food minerals stomach are in solution for later absorption food digested in the duodenum at the correct pH and digestive juices moves from the pancreas and gallbladder throws.
Bacteria overgrowth is prevented and eliminated their interference with the absorption of vitamin B-12, when your stomach pH higher than 3.0 gets more acid singles to keep its pH 3.0. When heartburn or acid reflux drugs by raise stomach acid pH above 3.0 disturbs, the stomach is not like a stomach work. It is now create chemical combinations can be used by your body. It now produces is the function of the subsequent processes into the duodenum and affect colon. It causes these organs to malfunction and not digest and absorb the nutrients from the food you ate.
The cascade effect of a stomach with a high pH over a long period of time leads many ill conditions that are comprehensible to an inefficient stomach.
So is it's your job, keep your stomach pH at the right level and look forward to your heartburn and acid reflux problems with natural remedies. If your State has developed you must add a doctor to GERD or consult a health practitioners to recover from this disease.
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