5 Lifestyle Changes That Can Prevent Acid Reflux Disease

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Do you often experience painful symptoms of acid reflux disease? You might take comfort knowing that making acid reflux diet changes as well as other lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the occurrence of acid reflux symptoms. Below are 5 suggested lifestyle changes that would complement your acid reflux diet in relieving acid reflux symptoms:

1. Quit Smoking - Research have said that nicotine relaxes the esophageal sphincter thus allowing acid reflux from the stomach to the esophagus to occur. Tobacco also increases the amount of acid secreted by your stomach and interfere with the function of muscles that help keep acid down. There are a lot of reasons not to smoke and one reason is that it can definitely worsen symptoms of acid reflux disease.

2. Be Stress Free - In other words, relax! When a person is exposed to a stressful situation, such as fight with the spouse, problem at work, financial problem or other intense emotional condition, the body goes into what is called "fight or flight" response. This response then causes certain body functions to increase in operation in order to aid to body for defense. And when the body is exposed to a long-term stress, the body direct more oxygen to vital organs such as the heart, lungs and large muscle groups. During this period the stomach is forced to function on less oxygen which then results in sluggishness that leads to poor digestion. In this case, food is allowed to sit in the stomach for a longer period of time thus stomach acid builds up and is allowed to travel out of the stomach and up into the esophagus. End result is an increase in acid reflux symptoms. So better stop worrying now.

3. Lessen The Pressure - Most of the time, extra pressure around your abdomen increases acid reflux. Avoid wearing belts or clothes that are tight fitting around the waist. Clothing that fits tightly around the abdomen can squeeze up the stomach, forcing food up against the LES, and cause food to reflux into the esophagus.

4. Watch You Weight - According to some research and statistics, approximately 35% of overweight persons experience symptoms of acid reflux. Obesity can cause abdominal pressure. Because of this, stomach content is easily pushed up in the esophagus. A reasonable weight should always be maintained.

5. Sleeping Posture - First is not to lie down for about two hours after you eat. This could help backing up in the esophagus stomach juices. During your bedtime, elevate your head about 4-6 inches. This helps keep your stomach's content down thus avoiding symptoms of acid reflux during your sleep.

Based from your experience, what other lifestyle changes have you made that have eased out symptoms of acid reflux? Please leave your comment and don't forget to subscribe to acid reflux disease diet so that you will be updated.


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